2010年1月18日 星期一

Max的Reset Xform官方說明文件翻譯

 Reset XForm Utility

Use the Reset XForm (Transform) utility to push object rotation and scaling values onto the modifier stack and align object pivot points and bounding boxes with the World coordinate system. Reset XForm removes all Rotation and Scale values from selected objects and places those transforms in an XForm modifier.

To reset the transform of a group, use the Transform button in the Reset group box of the Hierarchy > Pivot command panel.


To reset an object's transform:

  1. Select an object.
  2. On the Utilities panel, click Reset XForm.
  3. On the Utilities panel > Utilities rollout, click the More button and choose Reset XForm.
  4. On the Reset Transform rollout, click Reset Selected.
    Object rotation and scaling are now carried by an XForm modifier placed at the top of the modifier stack. 

    When you apply the Reset Transform utility, an XForm modifier that carries the rotation and scale values is placed at the top of the Modifier Stack display. You can apply other modifiers above and below the XForm modifier. You can select the XForm modifier and add other Move, Rotate, and Scale transforms. You can delete the XForm modifier to completely remove the transforms from the object. You can collapse the object to absorb the rotation and scale values into the object mesh.


Reset Xform

Reset selected

Removes all Rotation and Scale values from selected objects and places those transforms in an XForm modifier.
在選定的對象和位置的變形中XForm修改器移除所有旋轉和縮放的值 。

簡單來說,Reset Xform的用處應該是在於類似記憶點的玩意~
不過還是不請出為什麼有些論壇討論說建模完要Reset Xform

看完你就會完全了解Reset Xform的功用啦~~真是文字很難解釋的功能!!

2010年1月17日 星期日

FaceBook D&D TA 20個職業介紹

(Dungeons & Dragons:TinyAdventures),只可惜沒有更詳細的開始介紹

Charismatic, confident, and open-minded, half elves are natural diplomats, negotiators, and leaders. Clerics are battle leaders who use magical prayers to blast their foes and heal their companions.

Humans act first and ponder later, trusting their will to prevail and their native resourcefulness to see them through perilous situations. Clerics are battle leaders who use magical prayers to blast their foes and heal their companions.

Dwarves are strong and dependable, a people as tough as the rock of their mountain homes. Fighters are determined combat adepts who define the front line by bashing and slicing their foes into submission.

Dragonborn seek adventure for the chance to prove their worth, win renown, and become champions. Fighters are determined combat adepts who define the front line by bashing and slicing their foes into submission.

Creatures of magic with strong ties to nature, eladrin are respected allies known for their intellect and bravery. Paladins are indomitable warriors who smite enemies with divine authority and bolster the courage of nearby companions.

Charismatic, confident, and open-minded, half elves are natural diplomats, negotiators, and leaders. Paladins are indomitable warriors who smite enemies with divine authority and bolster the courage of nearby companions.

Wild and free, elves are a deeply passionate people who guard their forested lands using stealth and deadly arrows from the trees. Rangers are masters of bow and blade who excel at silent hit-and-run assaults.

Drow are a decadent race of dark elves whose beauty and sophistication fail to mask the stain of evil upon their hearts. Rangers are masters of bow and blade who excel at silent hit-and-run assaults.

Humans act first and ponder later, trusting their will to prevail and their native resourcefulness to see them through perilous situations. Rogues are cunning adversaries, adept at slipping into and out of shadows and sneaking up on their target.

Halflings are a small race known for their resourcefulness, quick wits, and exceptional stealth and trickery skills. Rogues are cunning adversaries, adept at slipping into and out of shadows and sneaking up on their target.

Heirs to an ancient, infernal bloodline, tieflings make their way in a world that often fears or resents them. Warlocks are cunning magic users who channel arcane powers and curses by communing with infernal spirits.

Dragonborn seek adventure for the chance to prove their worth, win renown, and become champions. Warlocks are cunning magic users who channel arcane powers and curses by communing with infernal spirits.

Humans act first and ponder later, trusting their will to prevail and their native resourcefulness to see them through perilous situations. Barbarians are savage warriors who deal out powerful blows from their mighty weapons.

Dwarves are strong and dependable, a people as tough as the rock of their mountain homes. Warlords are competent battle leaders who issue commands and bolster their allies while leading the battle with weapon in hand.

Creatures of magic with strong ties to nature, eladrin are respected allies known for their intellect and bravery. Wizards are scions of arcane magic, able to hurl balls of fire at foes while bending time and space itself.

Creatures of magic with strong ties to nature, eladrin are respected allies known for their intellect and bravery. Wizards are scions of arcane magic, able to hurl balls of fire at foes while bending time and space itself.

Wild and free, elves are a deeply passionate people who guard their forested lands using stealth and deadly arrows from the trees. Secretive and enigmatic, druids call the wilderness their home. They have the cunning of the beast and the fury of the storm.

Humans act first and ponder later, trusting their will to prevail and their native resourcefulness to see them through perilous situations. Secretive and enigmatic, druids call the wilderness their home. They have the cunning of the beast and the fury of the storm.

Dwelling in mountainous regions, goliaths call on primal power to enhance their considerable physical strength. Barbarians are savage warriors who deal out powerful blows from their mighty weapons.

Humans act first and ponder later, trusting their will to prevail and their native resourcefulness to see them through perilous situations. Barbarians are savage warriors who deal out powerful blows from their mighty weapons.

X的~結果翻到一半,查詢一些D&D專有名詞,發現【初章—D&D 不滅之魂】 < Dungeons & Dragons Tiny Adventures 龍與地下城簡易冒險 > Facebook yatta亞達攻略網 ,原來亞達攻略網有翻譯了……所以就請大家移師到亞達攻略網看更多詳細的翻譯吧~~嗚嗚嗚嗚~翻譯熱血馬上被潑冷血~~


Is there any way to know what stats my hero will need for an adventure?

Yes and no. Most encounters in an adventure are random, so you can't know exactly what is coming ahead of time. You can guess, however. Each type of terrain has two stats that appear more often than the others. If you are heading off into the Swamp, for example, you might wish to consider a Charisma or Intelligence potion, as it has the greatest chance of helping your hero. Potions last for several encounters, so there is more than one chance for them to be effective. Here is the list of which stats are most common in each terrain type:

  • Castle: Armor Class, Wisdom
  • Dungeon: Attack, Intelligence
  • Forest: Attack, Armor Class
  • Graveyard: Charisma, Strength
  • Lake: Constitution, Wisdom
  • Mountain: Dexterity, Strength
  • Swamp: Charisma, Intelligence
  • Temple: Constitution, Dexterity

In addition, each adventure has certain encounters that are the same every time. This always includes the final encounter in the adventure. If you've played the adventure before you will know how many encounters are in it and what ability will be checked on the final encounter.