2008年1月21日 星期一


This copy of painter has been damaged or illegally modified. Please reinstall from your original disks


有时候Painter IX.5安装完成后启动会出现如下错误,
英文版: This copy of painter has been damaged or illegally modified. Please reinstall from your original disks
中文版: 此Painter的拷贝已被损坏或非法地修改,请从您的原始磁盘重新安装。
Out of the blue, Painter IX.5 stopped working with the error message: "This copy of painter has been damaged or illegally modified. Please reinstall from your original disks". This was surprising, and Corel provided the usual support - none. After the typical fixes like reinstalling the software and manually deleting all registry entries related to Corel Painter, the suggested solutions ran thin. The solution in this case was to search for and delete all registry entries called "Protexis". But careful when editing the Registry, the wrong move may wreak havoc on your computer.
其实就是打开注册表,搜索 Protexis,全部删除,如果遇到删除不了的,是权限问题,在要删除的项目上右键,点权限,选Everyone把下面完全控制的允许上打勾,就可以删除了。

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